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Hitting Jack-it Baseball Weight Set

TheHitting Jack-Itâ„¢ Baseball Set is a complete hitting training system with patent pendingdesign. The product comes in four sizes to assist progressive training. The 9ozsize develops bat speed and works fast twitch muscles. The 12oz size strengthshands and forearms, and improves muscle memory. The 16oz size develops power andthe 30oz “on deck” size builds Big League power.

Theproduct works with all baseball and softball bats allowing players to developduring live batting practice sessions and off hittingtees.

Allcurrent weighted products on the market are placed on the barrel of the batcausing a “casting” elongated swing, slowing down your swing causing less powerand do not let you practice with live pitching. The Hitting Jack-Itâ„¢ wasdeveloped as a complete hitting system by ball players for ball players toprovide immediate results, quickly develop bat speed and power, and force yourhands to work properly creating improved technique.

TheHitting Jack-Itâ„¢ Training System provides multiple benefits

  • Immediateresults
  • Easy toUse
  • Can hit LiveBatting Practice
  • Quickly developsbat speed and power
  • Keeps your handsfrom “casting”
  • Gives you moreconfidence as a hitter
  • Available in fourgraduating sizes: 9oz, 12oz, 16oz, 21oz
  • Available forSoftball players
  • Forces hands towork properly creating a shorter compact swing
  • Strengthens handsand forearms
  • Can also be used asa weight for “On Deck”

1. Using the HittingJack-Itâ„¢

Canbe done while in live batting practice, take as many swings as you desire,getting used to the added swing weight. Then remove the Hitting Jack-Itâ„¢ to feelthe added performance and increased bat speed.

2. Securing and removing the HittingJack-Itâ„¢

Slidethe Hitting Jack-Itâ„¢ onto the handle of the bat with the “wide end” facing uptoward the barrel of the bat. Slide the Hitting Jack-Itâ„¢ up the bat until snug.Turn the bat over and tap the bat on the ground firmly securing the HittingJack-Itâ„¢ in place. For overall safety the open slot of the Hitting Jack-Itâ„¢ shouldalways face the catcher and the closed side with the logo should always face thepitcher.

Removingthe Hitting Jack-Itâ„¢ is as easy as tapping the handle of the bat on the ground tofree it from its firm grip.

  • Model: HJackIT-Base
  • Rating:
  • Price: $85.00

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