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Adult Pro Stock Bats

To make it easy for you to find the best wood bat to fit your game, we have grouped our different Pro Stock bat models by specific type: Best Balanced, End Loaded, Medium Handled, Thick Handled, Bats for Power Hitters and Bats for Gap/Contact Hitters. This a the best place to start to find the best X Bat to your preferences.


  • Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 11

    Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 11

    The X Bats Pro Stock Model 11 is similar to the classic M110 model. It has a slightly flared 15/16" handle, conventional knob, and a 2 9/16" barrel. This is a well balanced bat with a thicker handle and a slight flare. This is a very popular model for players who like a well balanced bat with a flared handle.
    Warranty Replacement Policy
    Price: $180.00
  • Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 14

    Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 14

    The X Bats Pro Stock Model 14 is based on the traditional T141 shape. This is a thin handled medium barreled bat. It has a slightly smaller 1 15/16" squared off knob, a thin 7/8" handle and a 2 9/16" barrel. This is a balanced bat for a gap/power hitter who likes a thin straight handle.
    Warranty Replacement Policy
    Price: $180.00
  • Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 24

    Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 24

    The X Bat Pro Stock Model 24 is based on the very popular power hitter C243 shape. This is the ultimate thin handle, big barreled bat. The diameter of the handle is smaller at its contact point with the knob. The barrel is turned as full as possible. Handle is 15/16" with a conventional knob and a 2 5/8" barrel. This is an end loaded bat used by a large number of our Major League power hitters. This is a bat for experienced wood bat hitters who have short swings and want the weight at the end of their bat.
    Warranty Replacement Policy
    Price: $190.00
  • Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 27

    Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 27

    The X Bats Pro Stock Model 27 is based on the popular  C271 profile. It has a flared 15/16" handle, has a small regular knob with a flared handle, and has a long straight transition to a 2 9/16" barrel. This our second most well balanced bat with a medium handle and a medium barrel suited to contact hitters who want to control the bat head.
    Warranty Replacement Policy
    Price: $190.00
  • Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 73

    Pro Stock Baseball Maple Model 73

    The X Bats Pro Stock Model 73 is the most popular new style in the Big Leagues and our best selling bat by 2-1 over any other Model. It has a tapered medium sized 15/16" handle flaring to a very large knob with a full power hitter's 2 5/8" barrel. The large knob serves as a counter weight making the bat feel very balanced and lighter than other bats with the same weight. The flared handle to the knob protects the sensitive hamate bone from bruising. This is by far the best balanced wood bat on the market. This is a perfect shape for hitters switching from aluminum to wood as it is both well balanced and easy to control in the hands. Used by power hitters who like the comfort and gap hitters who like the balance and large hitting area.
    Warranty Replacement Policy
    Price: $200.00