The LOG is a heavy maple bat used for overload training. The Log can be used to warm up before practice or in the on deck circle before batting. It is used to build strength i the hands, wrists and forearms while hitting in normal practice situations. Many pros use a series of Logs at diminishing weights to build strength during the offseason, using a 34/40 for a week, then a 34/38 the next week, then a 34/36 the next week, then a 34/34 the week before starting games. Logs can be ordered in the same range of colors as all of our custom bats in weights up to +8.

The SBT is a short barrel training bat used for underload training. The SBT is used to build bat speed with it's lighter than normal bat weight. The short barrel helps hone the player's swing due to it's smaller sweet spot. Used primarily for short toss and tee drills, the SBT is a valuable tool used both in season as well as the off season. It encourages a short direct swing, keeping the hands inside the ball to encourage confidence in hitting the ball where it is pitched to hit to all fields.

The Shorty is primarily used for one hand drills. Players typically use the Shorty in each hand to build strength in each hand, wrist and forearm and encourage proper palm up, palm down hand positions. The Shorty is used in both short toss and tee drills.
RS Backspin

The RS Backspin training bat was designed by 18 year MLB veteran and renowned hitting guru Reggie Smith. The RS Backspin has two flat sides and a small rounded edge to hit the ball. If the hands are in the proper palm up, palm down hitting position throughout the hitting zone, the ball will be hit square on the round side and come off the bat like a normal bat. If either hand moves slightly so the hands are in the incorrect contact position, the ball will strike the bat on the edge of the flat side and go straight up or straight down giving the player immediate feedback on his hand position and swing. The RS Backspin encourages a strong hitting plane throughout the strike zone. The RS Backspin can be used for both live hitting as well as short toss and tee drills. See Reggie's video on our website or on You Tube explaining the use of the RS Backspin.
RS Backspin Shorty

The RS Backspin Shorty training bat was designed by 18 year MLB veteran and renowned hitting guru Reggie Smith. The RS Backspin has two flat sides and a small rounded edge to hit the ball. If the hands are in the proper palm up, palm down hitting position throughout the hitting zone, the ball will be hit square on the round side and come off the bat like a normal bat. If either hand moves slightly so the hands are in the incorrect contact position, the ball will strike the bat on the edge of the flat side and go straight up or straight down giving the player immediate feedback on his hand position and swing. The RS Backspin encourages a strong hitting plane throughout the strike zone. The RS Backspin can be used for both live hitting as well as short toss and tee drills and for regular one handed drills on the tee or with short toss. See Reggie's video on our website or on You Tube explaining the use of the RS Backspin Shorty.
RS Backspin Youth

The RS Backspin training bat was designed by 18 year MLB veteran and renowned hitting guru Reggie Smith. The RS Backspin has two flat sides and a small rounded edge to hit the ball. If the hands are in the proper palm up, palm down hitting position throughout the hitting zone, the ball will be hit square on the round side and come off the bat like a normal bat. If either hand moves slightly so the hands are in the incorrect contact position, the ball will strike the bat on the edge of the flat side and go straight up or straight down giving the player immediate feedback on his hand position and swing. The RS Backspin encourages a strong hitting plane throughout the strike zone. The RS Backspin can be used for both live hitting as well as short toss and tee drills. See Reggie's video on our website or on You Tube explaining the use of the RS Backspin.

The Fungo is a traditional maple fungo in 33 to 36 inch lengths for coaches to hit both infield and outfield. Typically the shorter lengths are used for hitting infield and the longer lengths are used for hitting fly balls or outfield practice.
Fungo 73

The Fungo 73 is a traditional maple fungo but with a large flared knob in 33 to 36 inch lengths for coaches to hit both infield and outfield. Coaches love the 73 knob for comfort in hitting for long stretches and for balance making the bat feel very light. Typically the shorter lengths are used for hitting infield and the longer lengths are used for hitting fly balls or outfield practice.
Fungo Extended

The Fungo Extended is a traditional maple fungo but with a long barrel in 33 to 36 inch lengths for coaches to hit both infield and outfield. Typically the shorter lengths are used for hitting infield and the longer lengths are used for hitting fly balls or outfield practice. The extended barrel makes the bat head heavier making it easy for coaches to hit balls for longer periods without fatigue. The coach needs to just drop the bat head on the ball and let the bat do the work. We've seen coaches in their 80's hitting fungoes in Spring Training without over exertion as the bat does the work instead of the coach with lighter regular fungoes. This bat was designed by 18 year MLB veteran and renowned hitting guru Reggie Smith for use at his baseball academies. See Reggie's video on our website or on You Tube explaining the use of the Fungo Extended.